Alpine Tunnel and Lost Lake

Alpine Tunnel

Last year I traveled up to the Alpine Tunnel Trail but this year, there was a LOT more snow. (Actually, the first time I tried hiking this trail this year, you couldn’t get to the trailhead due to the snow.)

I just LOVE being one of the first dozen or so people on a trail after the snow recedes and Ted absolutely adores the snow. I’m guessing, being from Texas, he hadn’t seen a lot of the white stuff. lol

Teddy is looking down at the yellow-bellied marmots. They do have a loud chirp.

This crossing felt like a 45° angle. I did slip a few times and it would have been fun to slide down the whole way except for 2 things: hiking back up and landing in rocks at the bottom.

The footsteps before me.

The wild flowers were in bloom in any clear area.

Lost Lake

I also LOVE hiking on trails I’ve never been on. Rather than going to Lost Lake via the normal route, I followed a snowmobile trail until it interesected the trail to the lake. I’d only ever seen it from above on the Cottonwood Pass Skyline Trail and it was WAY too easy to get to. (I detest crowded places!)

Guaranteed a laugh when Teddy is on snow… and he’s not a very good swimmer. lol

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